
Breaking the ice at the 2024 ICE Awards

What stuck with me whilst facilitating a session with Internal Comms profs at ICE Day 2024

Co-Founder and Head of Content & Culture
30 Jul

What happened at the campfire sessions

In 2023 Toucan won two ICE Awards with our corporate partners at GSK. At ICE Day 2024 (the day conference that precedes the awards), I was part of a group of Industry peers who facilitated discussions that tackled some of the challenges faced by internal comms and events teams and the agencies that work in partnership with them. Under the wing of ICE co-founder and independent creative director, Robert Dunsmore, I thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to encourage healthy debate and creative problem solving in some challenging areas for events and employee engagement.

Hot topics included:

>> How to effectively measure and report ROI
>> What personalisation really means for increased engagement
>> What new tech and increasing AI can offer and what it can’t
>> Demonstrating the value of events

There were some incredibly insightful ‘campfire’ sessions and presentations on the main stage. I didn’t/couldn’t get around all of it, but here’s some things that stuck with me.


With the aftermath of a global pandemic still fresh in the minds of many, we are well aware we live in challenging times. Natalie Allen highlighted the dramatic and hugely disruptive change that all companies are dealing with now. Before 2016, most people would deal with two major changes in their company life - now, it’s double digits.

That’s a lot of potential confusion, fear and uncertainty and highlighted why clear, open internal and external communications are so important for the prosperity of a business and the good of the people. Companies must get ahead of the story and get their story straight for their entire workforce if they are going to effectively manage any necessary change and keep their people motivated.


Maria Katehis caused a stir as she talked about the power of provocative questions as ice-breakers at events. Unconventional ideas and opinions create a big reaction and emotionally engage people because they have to get involved because it becomes impossible to sit on the fence. We had a great chat about how brands want to ‘cut through,’ but often feel restricted by their own  rules and regulations. In a landscape of uncertainty and change, no wonder corporations feel pressure to play safe, but stepping outside the lines could be the game changer and provide the profile boost they desire.


I sat with some lovely people who regularly have to present persuasive metrics regarding the value of their events. We listened to Peter Clarke who talked us through how his company had met the challenge of ensuring the key decision makers -  the ones often hardest to attract - both commit to attending an event and have a frictionless process from invite to hotel arrival.

They’d effectively put into practice the 80/20 principle (The 20% of activities, customers, products, or tasks that contribute to 80% of results) and focused on getting the right people in the room to get the best possible outcome for their client. Their figures speak for themselves - 100%+ delegate attendance.

It was a packed day with some excellent information to consider and a room brimming with experience. ICE Awards celebrated 10 years this year - I can’t wait to see what Founder and MD Anita Howard and her team create in the next decade.

BOOK IN FOR ICE Conference 2025 - link here


If you need help finding your story for your business or brand, book a call in with Alex Redfarn, our Strategic Partnerships Manager, and we’ll help you get your story straight.

I'm Sally Nettleton, Co-Founder and Head of Content & Culture at Toucan Agency.

Connect with me here on Linkedin or follow our agency page here to keep up to date with the latest news.

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