

In this month’s round-up, I talk about the first episode of our brand new podcast with guest from our nest, Rob Steeles, I also talk about finding some fabulous friends abroad, filming in the states and attending "Reawakening" film premiere & more.

Founder & Managing Director
3 Oct


Our ‘Nest Guest’ on our podcast series of What The Flock, is our Creative Partner, Rob Steeles. We talk about the importance of storytelling in creative work, the role of strategy, and the evolution of the advertising industry. Rob joined Toucan in November 2023 and has brought over 25 years of experience leading creative departments at AMV BBDO, McCann World Group, Kin+Carta, and Eleven Miles, shaping some of the world’s best-known brands.

Read more about Rob Steeles in our news page:

Follow the 'what the flock' podcast series on your favourite podcast platform:
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Watch out for our next episode released in 2 weeks.


Sal and I invited two fab ladies Megan Jenkinson and India Gavin that we met on our last holiday earlier in the summer into the office recently for a catch up on how they are getting on with their new digital media agency, 2 of a Kind.

There’s something satisfying about being able to pass on info about starting a business that we didn’t have when we began. Often, it comes down to ‘you don’t know what you don’t know’ and just talking about our journey brought up a whole list of ‘watch outs’ for Megan and India, plus I was happy to sign post some truly useful companies like who offer legal advice in a format that removes much of the complexity and uncertainty and provides a more affordable service. Really looking forward to watching how Megan and India grow their agency.

[View from the Water Polo Club in Ta’ Xbiex, Malta where the view, the food and service were very good indeed]


Not going to sugar coat it, I’ve had better holidays. Just got back from a week in Malta where I was running a high fever for half of it and feeling pretty rough. It rained three days out of seven and the waiting staff at the hotel, which will remain nameless, all appeared to develop amnesia between taking a breakfast order and it actually arriving on the table.

They were polite, they were very friendly and sometimes they were so close - but no cigar. A full teapot but no cups. Coffee but no hot milk. A couple on a neighbouring table actually missed a ferry crossing to Gozo because their breakfast took so long to arrive. It became a talking point between guests and I suspect their reviews will be harsh. My brain likes to solve problems and I had to restrain myself going into the kitchen to sort it out myself. I didn’t (I wasn’t feeling a hundred percent) but I’ve got previous in this area of direct intervention.

So what did I learn? What reflections came from my hotel room fever dreams? Service may come with a smile, but if it doesn’t have a clear strategy that delivers what your customer wants in a timely manner, your business will be toast.


Last week we were busy filming in the US in the Upper Merion area of Pennsylvania. Thankfully we’ve got trusted local partners in many global locations and on this occasion, we brought them in to work alongside our US based Toucan film producer.

Not only is this a sustainable approach, but it brings budget efficiencies for the agency resulting in a cost effective outcome for the client too. Can’t say too much, but we were filming in a new production area, so visually dynamic and I’m looking forward to seeing some exciting footage in the final edits.


Sally and I went to the premiere of Reawakening on 11 September at Picturehouse Central in Piccadilly. It was an amazing film and incredibly moving. I was so proud of our Film Creative Director Barry Castagnola who was the film’s Producer. Great Q&A with the writer-director Virginia Gilbert and stars Juliet Stevenson and Jared Harris.

So great to see many of Toucan’s film team in the seats along with Steve Best's name in the credits. There were so many old friends there from comedy too: Keith Farnan, Greg Davies, Adam Bloom, Marc Wootton who I've not seen for eons.

Reawakening is now playing in cinemas - head over to and grab some tickets.


The Autumn has kick-started with a bang as we’ve created and staged two client conferences. Beaumont Estate in Windsor was the location for the first 120+ in-person event, which had senior teams from 22 countries come together to learn and reinforce connections. We created upbeat choir energisers and silent discos to raise the energy and get everyone in the room focused on the all-important content.

The second conference, a 2-day event, was for 70 international delegates from the UK, US and Asia Pacific. It was held at the fabulous Tate Modern in London with an evening dinner at the impressive Tower Bridge Walkways. An unforgettable event with stunning views across the Thames river to London and beyond created the perfect setting.

With two very happy clients, we’re looking forward to discussions for next year’s events already.

I'm Lynn Chambers, Founder and Managing Director of Toucan Agency.

Connect with me here on Linkedin to stay in touch or subscribe to our own Linkedin channel here.

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